د "لینګالایي ژبه" د بڼو تر مېنځ توپير

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د سمون لنډیز نسته
نښلنونه: د موبايل سمون د موبايل وېب سمون
۱ کرښه:
'''لینګالایيلینګالا ژبه''' په [[انګلیسي]] د بنتو ژبو کورنۍ|د بانتو ژبو له کورنۍ څخه ده چې کابو ۱۰ میلیونه ویونکي لري. د یادې ژبې ویونکي په [[کانګو دمکراتیک جمهوریت]], [[کانګو جمهوریت]], [[د منځنۍ افریقا ولسمشریزه|د منځنۍ افریقا ولسمشریزې]] او [[آنګولا]] هیوادونو کې میشت دي.
{{Infobox language
| name = Lingala
| altname = Ngala
| nativename = ''lingála''
| states = [[Democratic Republic of the Congo]], [[Republic of the Congo]], [[Central African Republic]], [[Angola]]
| region = Congo River
| speakers = {{plainlist|
*Native speakers: Estimates range from 10 to 15 million speakers (2017)
*L2 speakers: 25 million speakers (2017)}}
| date = 2017
| ref = <ref>[http://www.lmp.ucla.edu/Profile.aspx?LangID=14&menu=004] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20110605044949/http://www.lmp.ucla.edu/Profile.aspx?LangID=14&menu=004 |date=2011-06-05 }}.</ref><ref>{{Cite web|url=http://www.senemongaba.com/bato-ya-mangala-bakomi-motuya-boni-na-mokili/|title=Bato ya Mangala, bakomi motuya boni na mokili ?|first=Auteur|last=senemongaba|date=August 20, 2017}}</ref>
| speakers2 =
| familycolor = Niger-Congo
| fam2 = [[Atlantic–Congo languages|Atlantic–Congo]]
| fam3 = [[Benue–Congo languages|Benue–Congo]]
| fam4 = [[Southern Bantoid languages|Southern Bantoid]]
| fam5 = [[Bantu languages|Bantu]] ([[Guthrie classification of Bantu languages#Zone C|Zone C]])
| fam6 = [[Bangi–Ntomba languages|Bangi–Ntomba]] (C.30)
| fam7 = Bangi–Moi
| fam8 = [[Bangi language|Bangi]]
| dia1 = [[Bangala language|Bangala]]
| nation = {{plainlist|
*{{flag|Democratic Republic of the Congo}}
*{{flag|Republic of the Congo}}}}
| iso1 = ln
| iso2 = lin
| iso3 = lin
| glotto = ling1263
| glottorefname = Lingala
| lingua = 99-AUI-f
| guthrie = C30B
| script = [[African reference alphabet]] ([[Latin script|Latin]]), [[Mandombe]]
| map = LanguageMap-Lingala-Larger Location.png
| mapcaption = Geographic distribution of Lingala speakers, showing regions of native speakers (dark green) and other regions of use
| notice = IPA