د "Module:Mw" د بڼو تر مېنځ توپير

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د "local extensiontags = { nowiki = true, ref = true, gallery = true, pre = true, source = true, categorytree = true, charinsert = true,..." تورو مخ جوړ شو
ود سمون لنډیز نسته
۶۵ کرښه:
-- FIXME: How much of the below is obsolete now that we have the mw.uri module?
local url = {
server = "urps.wikipedia.org",
-- Return a string encoded for use in a URL, equivalent to the parser function {{urlencode:}}.
-- 0-9A-Za-z --> no change
"https://ps.wikipedia.org/wiki/Module:Mw" نه اخيستل شوی