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W.Kaleem (خبرې اترې | ونډې)
د سمون لنډیز نسته
۱ کرښه:
{{د فلسفې څنګپټه}}
'''فلسفه''' د زده کړې يو داسې ډګر دی چې بېلابېل نور ډګرونه لکه ښکلا پېژندنه، [[پوهنپوهنه]], اخلاقيات، منطق او مېټافيزيک په ځان کې رانغاړي، په فلسفه کې خلک داسې پوښتنې کوي لکه آيا په کايناتو کې لوی قدرت شته، چې په دې کې د خدای د شته والي په هکله بحث راځي، بل دا چې د حقيقت بڼه يا طبيعت څه شی دی، آيا په رښتيا علم څوک ترلاسه کولای شي، عقل څه شی دی، هغه څه دي چې د اعمالو ښه او بد پر څرګندېږي. په فلسفه کې تر ټولو بنسټيز شی دليل او استدلال دی چې ددغو پوښتنو په هکله منطق ته وده وکوي. که څه هم چې د فلسفې د ميتودولوژۍ اصلي مقصد نه بدلېدونکی دی. دا چې کوم شي ته د فلسفې په سترګه بايد وکتلای شي پخپله يو فلسفي بحث دی، او دا په بېلابېلو فلسفي فرهڼونو او ټولنو کې خورا توپير لري.
د ''فلسفې'' وييکه د لرغونې يوناني ژبې د لغت "Φιλοσοφία" ''([[فيلو-]][[سوفيه]])''، نه اخيستل شوی چې مانا يې ده د "پوهې سره مينه" او يا د حکمت سره مينه او يا هم د "حکمت يا پوهې ملګری".
Many ancient Greek philosophers made the distinction between the desire for wisdom, as opposed to the desire for material things, vices, and the satisfaction of bodily desires. The definition of [[wisdom]] for many ancient Greeks would have been about [[virtue]] and the desire for [[knowledge]] and not false [[opinions]]. However, the term is notoriously difficult to define today (see [[definition of philosophy]]) because of the diverse range of ideas that have been labeled as philosophy. The ''Penguin Dictionary of Philosophy'' defines it as the study of "the most fundamental and general concepts and principles involved in thought, action, and reality". ''The Penguin Encyclopedia'' says that philosophy differs from science in that philosophy's questions cannot be answered empirically, and from religion in that philosophy allows no place for faith or revelation. However, these points are called into question by the ''Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy'', which states: "the late 20th-century... prefers to see philosophical reflection as continuous with the best practice of any field of intellectual enquiry." Indeed, many of the speculations of early philosophers in the field of [[natural philosophy]] eventually formed the basis for modern scientific explanations on a variety of subjects.
Informally, a "philosophy" may refer to a general [[world view]] or to a specific [[ethic]] or [[belief]].
== د فلسفې څانګې ==
The following branches are the main areas of study:
* '''[[Metaphysics]]''' is the study of the nature of being and the world. Traditional branches are [[cosmology]] and [[ontology]].
* '''[[Epistemology]]''' is concerned with the nature and scope of knowledge, and whether knowledge is possible. Among its central concerns has been the challenge posed by [[skepticism]] and the relationships between [[truth]], [[belief]], and [[justification]].
* '''[[Ethics]]''', or 'moral philosophy', is concerned with questions of how persons ought to act or if such questions are answerable. The main branches of ethics are [[meta-ethics]], [[normative ethics]], and [[applied ethics]]. [[Meta-ethics]] concerns the nature of ethical thought, comparison of various ethical systems, whether there are absolute ethical truths, and how such truths could be known. Ethics is also associated with the idea of [[morality]]. [[Plato]]'s early dialogues include a search for definitions of virtue.
* '''[[Political philosophy]]''' is the study of [[government]] and the relationship of individuals and communities to the [[Sovereign state|state]]. It includes questions about justice, the good, law, property, and the rights and obligations of the citizen.
* '''[[Aesthetics]]''' deals with beauty, art, enjoyment, sensory-emotional values, perception, and matters of taste and sentiment.
* '''[[Logic]]''' is the study of valid argument forms. Beginning in the late 19th century, [[mathematician]]s such as [[Frege]] focused on a mathematical treatment of logic, and today the subject of logic has two broad divisions: [[mathematical logic]] (formal symbolic logic) and what is now called [[philosophical logic]].
* '''[[Philosophy of mind]]''' deals with the nature of the mind and its relationship to the body, and is typified by disputes between [[dualism]] and [[materialism]]. In recent years there has been increasing similarity between this branch of philosophy and [[cognitive science]].
* '''[[Philosophy of language]]''' is inquiry into the nature, origins, and usage of language.
* '''[[Philosophy of religion]]''' is a branch of philosophy that asks questions about religion.
Most academic subjects have a philosophy, for example the [[philosophy of science]], the [[philosophy of mathematics]], the [[philosophy of logic]], the [[philosophy of law]], and the [[philosophy of history]]. In addition, a range of academic subjects have emerged to deal with areas which would have historically been the subject of philosophy. These include [[psychology]], [[anthropology]] and [[natural science|science]].
== د فلسفې تاريخ ==
{{Main|د فلسفې پېښلیک}}
په دودیزه توګه لویدیځه فلسفه په دری برخو وېشل شوې ده: لرغونې فلسفه، منڅني پېر فلسفه او نوې فلسفه. ختیځه فلسفه له تاریخي اړخه له لودیځې هغې خپلواکه وه. ځینې فیلسوفان په دې آند دي چې انساني تمدن یو نوي «له نوي ور اخوا» دور ته ورتېر شوی. نور وایي چې د نوی فلسفی او اوسمهالې فلسفې ترمنځ څرګندوالې شته. مګر ددې توپیر د محتوی په اړه یو سر اختلاف هم شته.
=== لودیځه فلسفه ===
{{Main|د لوېديځې فلسفې تاريخ}}
==== Greco-Roman philosophy ====
Ancient Greek philosophy is typically divided into the [[Pre-Socratic philosophy|pre-Socratic Period]], the Socratic period, and the post-Aristotelian period. The pre-Socratic period was characterized by metaphysical speculation, often preserved in the form of grand, sweeping statements, such as "All is fire", or "All changes". Important pre-Socratic philosophers include [[Thales]], [[Anaximander]], [[Anaximenes of Miletus|Anaximenes]], [[Democritus]], [[Parmenides]], and [[Heraclitus]]. The Socratic period is named in honor of the most recognizable figure in Western philosophy, [[Socrates]], who, along with his pupil [[Plato]], revolutionized philosophy through the use of the [[Socratic method]], which developed the very general philosophical methods of [[definition]], [[Analysis (philosophy)|analysis]], and [[synthesis]]. While Socrates wrote nothing himself, his influence as a "skeptic" survives through Plato's works. Plato's writings are often considered basic texts in philosophy as they defined the fundamental issues of philosophy for future generations. These issues and others were taken up by [[Aristotle]], who studied at Plato's school, the [[Academy]], and who often disagreed with the writings of Plato. The post-Aristotelian period ushered in such philosophers as [[Euclid]], [[Epicurus]], [[Chrysippus]], [[Pyrrho]], and [[Sextus Empiricus]]. A woman philosopher of the Ancient period is [[Hipparchia the Cynic]], who flourished around 300 B.C.
==== د منځنیو پېړیو فلسفه ====
[[دوتنه:St-thomas-aquinas.jpg|thumb|100px|St. Thomas Aquinas]]
The [[Medieval philosophy|medieval period of philosophy]] came with the collapse of Roman civilization and the dawn of [[Christian philosophy|Christianity]], [[Islamic philosophy|Islam]], and [[Jewish philosophy|rabbinic Judaism]]. The medieval period brought Christian [[scholastic philosophy]], with writers such as [[Augustine of Hippo]], [[Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius|Boethius]], [[Anselm of Canterbury|Anselm]], [[Robert Grosseteste]], [[Albertus Magnus]], [[Roger Bacon]], [[Bonaventure]], [[Thomas Aquinas]], [[John Duns Scotus]], [[William of Ockham]], [[Nicholas of Cusa]], and [[Francisco Suárez]]. A female Christian philosopher of the period was a student of [[Abelard]] named [[Heloise (student of Abelard)|Heloise]]. The philosophers in the scholastic Christian tradition and philosophers in the other major [[Abrahamic religion]]s, such as the Jewish philosophers [[Saadia Gaon]] and [[Maimonides]], and the Muslim philosophers [[Avicenna]], [[Al-Ghazali]], and [[Averroes]], were intercommunicative. These religious traditions took on questions about the relation of man to God. The philosophy of this period is characterized by analysis of the nature and properties of God; the metaphysics involving substance, essences and accidents (that is, qualities that are respectively ''essential'' to substances possessing them or merely ''happening'' to be possessed by them), form, and divisibility; and logic and the philosophy of language.
Many of these philosophers took as their starting point the theories of Plato or Aristotle. Others, however, such as [[Tertullian]], rejected Greek philosophy as antithetical to revelation and faith.
==== نوې غربي فلسفه ====
Modern philosophy is generally considered to begin with the work of [[René Descartes]], but his work was greatly influenced by the questioning of his correspondent, [[Princess Elizabeth of Bohemia]], who posed the [[mind-body problem]] to Descartes.
Medieval philosophy had been concerned primarily with argument from authority, and the analysis of ancient texts using Aristotelian logic. The [[Renaissance]] saw an outpouring of new ideas that questioned authority. [[Roger Bacon]] (1214-1294?) was one of the first writers to advocate putting authority to the test of experiment and reason. [[Niccolò Machiavelli]] (1469-1527) challenged conventional ideas about [[morality]]. [[Francis Bacon]] (1561-1626) wrote in favor of the methods of science in philosophical discovery.
==== Analytic and Continental ====
The late modern period in philosophy, beginning in the late nineteenth century and lasting to the 1950s, was marked by a developing schism between the "Continental" tradition and the "Analytic" tradition associated with English-speaking countries.
The two traditions appear radically different, yet they have a common root. Both reject the Cartesian and empiricist traditions that had dominated philosophy since the early modern period, and both also reject the "obsession with [[psychologism|psychological explanation]]" that pervaded the logic and method of idealist philosophy.
What underlies the Analytic tradition is the view (originally defended by Ockham) that philosophical error arises from misunderstandings generated by language. We imagine that to every word (e.g. ''baldness'', ''existence'') there corresponds something in reality. According to analytic philosophers, the true meaning of ordinary sentences is "concealed by their grammatical form", and we must translate them into their true form (understood as their [[logical form]]) in order to clarify them. The difficulty, so far unresolved, is to determine what the correct logical form must be. Some philosophers (beginning with Frege and [[Bertrand Russell]]) have argued that [[first-order logic]] shows us the true logical form of ordinary sentences.
"Continental" philosophy, in the hands of the phenomenologists such as [[Edmund Husserl]] and [[Maurice Merleau-Ponty]], took a different turn in its preoccupation with [[consciousness]]. A fundamental assumption of this school is that mental phenomena must have [[intentionality]]: they have objects external to, and independent of, the mind itself. Thus an important theme of phenomenology is an attack on the subject-object dualism of Cartesianism.
Yet this intentionality is an assumption shared by analytic philosophers. A similar idea (though developed from a somewhat different starting point) is the view known as [[externalism]], defended recently by philosophers such as [[John McDowell]] and [[Gareth Evans]]. Externalism posits that proper names (''Socrates'', ''George Bush'') refer directly to their bearers, and that their meaning is not mediated by any "sense" or subjective meaning. Thus the thought "Socrates is wise" has Socrates himself as a component. It follows that here can be no question of our being radically mistaken as to the nature or existence of an external world; such a mistake would literally make no sense. If the question of whether the Eiffel Tower or London existed were intelligible, we would have to admit the possibility that those names have no meaning, and thus that the question was not intelligible in the first place. This is strikingly similar to themes considered by "Continental" writers such as [[Heidegger]], who argued that the "scandal of philosophy" is not that the proof of the existence of an external world has yet to be given, "but that such proofs are expected and attempted again and again". To have faith in the reality of the "external world" presupposes a subject which is worldless. But we are ''embedded'' in the world.
=== ختيځه فلسفه ===
{{Main|ختيځه فلسفه}}
Many societies have considered philosophical questions and built philosophical traditions based upon each other's works. Eastern and Middle Eastern philosophical traditions have influenced Western philosophers. Russian, Jewish, Islamic and recently Latin American philosophical traditions have contributed to, or been influenced by, Western philosophy, yet each has retained a distinctive identity.
The differences between traditions are often based on their favored historical philosophers, and varying stress on ideas, procedural styles, or written language. The subject matter and dialogues of each can be studied using methods derived from the others, and there are significant commonalities and exchanges between them.
"[[Eastern philosophy]]" refers to the broad traditions that originated or were popular in [[India]], [[Iran|Persia]], [[China]], [[Japan]], and to an extent, the [[Middle East]] (which overlaps with Western philosophy due to being the origin of the [[Abrahamic religion]]s).
[[دوتنه:Sankara.jpg|thumb|200px|Adi Shankara (centre), [[788]] to [[820]], founder of ''[[Advaita Vedanta]]'', one of the major schools of Hindu philosophy.]]
==== هندي فلسفه ====
Line ۷۶ ⟶ ۲۲:
علامه محمد نادر ايوبي كندهارې د عمومي فلسفې په اړه خپل ليكلي اثر (فلسفه) كې د هند فلسفي افكار او ګروهې د فلسفي وېش له مخې په دوه ډلو وېشلي چې په لاندې ډول يې بيانوي:
د لرغوني هندوانو د فلسفي افكارو او عقيدو په ارته ورشو كې فلسفه په لومړي سر كې پر دوو لويو ډلو وېشل كېږي:
۱- ناستيكا او ۲- استيكا
۱-* ناستيكا: د هندوانو د (اوپنېشاد) په كتاب كې، چې د شاجهان باچا د زوى محمد دار الشكوه له لورې د سانسكرېتي ژبې څخه وپاړسي ژبې ته ژباړل شوې، د لغت ليك په برخه كې د (ناستيكا) لغت د كافر، بې دينه او ملحد چې له څښتن تعالى څخه انكار كوي، په مانا راغلې دى. ددې لارې نامتو ښوونځي د (بوديزم)، جېنيزم او چارواك څخه عبارت دي.
ناستيكا چې لغوي مانا يې (نشته) ده، د هغو فلسفي او مذدهبي نظرياتو څخه عبارت دي، چې د هند لرغوني ګروهې، چې پر (وېداګانو) يانې مذهبي سرودونو ولاړې دي، نه مني او ورڅخه انكار كوي.
۲-* استيكا: ددې ويي لغويمانا (شته) ده، استيكا د ناستيكا پرخلافد برهمن دين ټولې ګروهې، چې بنست يې په وېداګانو ولاړ دى، او شپړ فلسفي ډلې (دارشانا) دي، مني.
په هندي فلسفه كې يو سپېڅلې نوم چې (برهما ) نومېږي، د فكري بشپړتيا او لوړتيا كې پوره لاس لري، ددې فلسفې له مخې د (برهما) قوت زموږ د وجود په تل كې كرل شوې، او په هر ګړۍ كې د انسان د خدمت لپاره تيارسې وي، خو هغه پدې شرذ چې موږ ورڅخه ځان په بشپړ ډو خبر كړو. او هغه داسې چې لدې درې لورو څخه ځان ورنږدې كړو:
۱- #د پوهې له لارې
۲-# د احساساتو له لارې
۳-# د عمل او كړنې له لارې.
هندي مفكرين د وجود پټو (اسرارو) ته د رسېدو لپاره په يوه بې سره او بې پايه ډكر كې ډېر اوږده واټنونه وهلي. پدې ډګر چې لومړې پل (قدم) كېږدي، هغه رياضت، د دونيوي مزاياؤ شاته غورځول، د رزيلو ځآنګړتياؤ جرړې ويستل، ترڅو وكولاى شي پدې توګه د تيارو لدې ګرداب څخه ځآن وباسي، او د روښنايۍ نړۍ ته ځآن ورسوي.
Line ۹۳ ⟶ ۴۰:
پدې ډول د وېدا څلور كتابونه د دوه شرحو او دوه تفسيرونو سره چې يو يې (براهمني) او بل يې (اوپنېشادونه) دي، د هندو دين او فلسفې بنسټيز توكي دي.
د عام هندو (ارتودوكس) فلسفه د ۱۰۰۰ كلونو (له ۵۰۰م ز څڅه تر ۵۰۰ز) كلونو پورې وخت كې راجوړه شوې، چې بيا ۱۰۰۰ كاله نور پدې ولږېدل، ترڅو دا فلسفي نظريات تصفيه شي، سم او منظم شكل ترلاسه كړي، كه څۀ هم د هند د فلسفي ډلو تداد ډېر زيات دى، مګر خپله هندي مفكرينو دا ډلې په شپږو ښوونځيو كې راټولې كړي دي. پدې ډول ددې ښوونځيو دننه فلسفي سېسټم كې د پينځو نورو ښونځيو سره اختلاف ښكاري.
== '''څېړونكو د هندي فلسفې څانګې پدې ډول يادې كړې دي:''' ==
=== [[د جېنيزم فلسفه]] ===
=== [[د بوديزم فلسفه]] ===
== [[د رامانوج فسلفه]] ==
{{Main|Indian philosophy}}
The origins of ''[[Hindu philosophy]]'' are to be traced in [[Veda|Vedic]] speculations (circa 1500 BCE) about the universe and [[Rta]] - universal order. Other major texts with philosophical implications include the ''[[Upanishads]]'', the ''[[Bhagavad Gita]]'' and the ''[[Brahma Sutra]]'', from circa 1000 BCE to 500 BCE {{fact}}. At about the same time, the [[shramana]] schools, including [[Jainism]] and [[Buddhism]], also developed. It is notable that the ''[[Vedanta]]'' schools of Hindu philosophy are still living traditions today. Hinduism has no known founder or single, authoritative text. (See, Leslie Stevenson, Ten Theories of Human Nature, 4th edition, Oxford University Press, 2004.)
==== پارسي فلسفه ====
{{Main|ايراني فلسفه}}
In Persia, [[Zarathustra]]'s teachings, which were a new basis for the Iranian branch of Indo-Iranian philosophy, appeared around 900 BCE. This marked the beginning of [[Zoroastrianism]], and Iranian philosophy in general.
[[دوتنه:Confucius - Project Gutenberg eText 15250.jpg|بټنوک|کيڼ|120px|Confucius, illustrated in ''Myths & Legends of China'', [[1922]], by E.T.C. Werner.]]
==== چينايي فلسفه ====
{{Main|چيناني فلسفه}}
Philosophy has had a tremendous effect on [[Chinese civilization]], and [[East Asia]] as a whole. Many of the great philosophical schools were formulated during the [[Spring and Autumn Period]] and [[Warring States Period]], which is also known as the [[Hundred Schools of Thought]]. The four most influential ones that arose were [[Confucianism]], [[Taoism]], [[Mohism]], and [[Legalism]]. Later on, during the [[Tang Dynasty]], [[Buddhism]] from India also became a prominent philosophical/religious discipline. (It should be noted that there wasn’t too much of an obvious distinction between philosophy and [[religion]], as there was in the West, in Eastern thought.) Like [[Western philosophy]], [[Chinese philosophy]] covers a broad and complex range of thought, possessing a multitude of schools that addressed each branch and subject matter of philosophy.
In China, the ''[[Tao Te Ching]]'' of [[Laozi]] and the ''[[Analects]]'' of [[Confucius]] both appeared around 600 BCE, about the same time that the Greek pre-Socratics were writing.
Of all the Chinese philosophies, however, it is quite safe to say [[Confucianism]] has had the greatest impact on [[East Asia]]. [[Confucianism]] is collective teachings of the Chinese sage [[K’ung-fu-Tzu]] ''([[Confucius]] or Master Kong)'' who lived from 551 – 479 BC. His philosophy focused in the fields of ethics and politics; emphasizing greatly on personal and governmental morality, correctness of social relationships, justice, traditionalism, and sincerity. [[Confucianism]], along with [[Legalism]], is responsible for creating the world’s first [[meritocracy]], which is the system/believe that a person’s status should be determine by one’s ability instead of ancestory, wealth, and/or friendships. It could be debatably said that [[Confucianism]] is most responisble for shaping the Chinese culture and state (during [[Imperial China]]).
Throughout history, Chinese philosophy has been molded to fit the prevailing school of thought in China. The Chinese schools of philosophy, with the exception of the period during the [[Qin dynasty]], have been relatively tolerant of one another. Instead of competition with one another, they generally have cooperated and shared ideas, which they would usually incorporate into their own. For example, [[Neo-Confucianism]] was a revived version of old Confucianism principles that appeared around the [[Ming Dynasty]] with Buddhist, Taoist, and Legalist aspects. During the Industrial and Modern Ages, Chinese philosophy has also began to intergrate concepts of Western philosophy as steps for modernization. [[Democracy]], [[republicanism]], and [[industrialism]] attempted to be incorporated into the Chinese philosophy by [[Sun Yat-sen]] at the beginning of the 20th century. [[Mao Tse-Tung]] added [[Marxism]], [[Stalinism]], and [[Communism]]. Nowadays, the current government of the [[PRC]] is trying to encourage a form of [[market socialism]]. Like [[Japan]], Chinese philosophy has become somewhat of a [[melting pot]] of ideas. It accepts new concepts, while holding on to old beliefs.
Chinese philosophy has spread around the world into other cultures in forms such as ''[[New Confucianism]]'' and New Age cures ''(see [[Chinese traditional medicine]]).'' The academic community of the West, however, remains skeptical, and only few assimilate Chinese philosophy into their own research, whether scientific or philosophical.
''همدارنګه وګورئ: [[Confucianism]], [[Taoism]], [[Mohism]], [[Buddhism]], [[Legalism]], [[Hundred Schools of Thought]], [[Yin-Yang]]''
=== افريقايي فلسفه ===
{{Main|African philosophy}}
Other philosophical traditions, such as [[Africa]]n philosophy, are rarely considered by foreign academia. Since emphasis is mainly placed on western philosophy as a reference point, the study, preservation and dissemination of valuable, but lesser known, non-Western philosophical works face many obstacles.
== فلسفي سرليکونه ==
=== Metaphysics and epistemology ===
==== Rationalism and empiricism ====
[[دوتنه:Frans_Hals_-_Portret_van_René_Descartes.jpg|100px|left|thumb|René Descartes]]
[[René Descartes]], who is often called the father of modern philosophy, proposed that philosophy should begin with a radical skepticism about the possibility of obtaining reliable knowledge. In 1641, in ''[[Meditations on First Philosophy]]'', he used this method of doubt in an attempt to establish what knowledge is most certain. He chose as the foundation of his philosophy the famous statement ''[[Cogito ergo sum]]'' ("I think, therefore I am"). He then attempted to rebuild a system of knowledge based on this single supposedly indubitable fact. His approach became known as [[rationalism]]; it attracted such philosophers as [[Baruch Spinoza]], [[Gottfried Leibniz]], and [[Christian Wolff (philosopher)|Christian Wolff]].
In response to the popularity of rationalism, [[John Locke]] wrote ''[[An Essay Concerning Human Understanding]]'' in 1689, developing a form of [[Naturalism (philosophy)|naturalism]] and [[empiricism]] on roughly scientific principles. Hume's work ''[[A Treatise of Human Nature]]'' (1739-40) combined [[empiricism]] with a spirit of [[skepticism]]. Other philosophers who made major contributions to empiricism include [[Thomas Hobbes]] and [[George Berkeley]] (Bishop Berkeley).
During this era, religious ideas played a mixed role in the struggles that preoccupied secular philosophy. Bishop Berkeley's famous [[Idealism|idealist]] refutation of [[Isaac Newton]] is a case of an Enlightenment philosopher who drew substantially from religious ideas. Other influential religious thinkers of the time include [[Blaise Pascal]], [[Joseph Butler]], and [[Jonathan Edwards]]. Other major writers, such as [[Jean-Jacques Rousseau]] and [[Edmund Burke]], took a slightly different path. The restricted interests of many of the philosophers of the time foreshadow the separation and specialization of different areas of philosophy that would occur in the twentieth century.
==== Kantian philosophy and the rise of idealism ====
[[Immanuel Kant]] wrote his ''[[Critique of Pure Reason]]'' (1781/1787) in an attempt to reconcile the conflicting approaches of rationalism and empiricism and establish a new groundwork for studying metaphysics. Kant's intention with this work was to look at what we know and then consider what must be true about the way we know it. One major theme was that there are fundamental features of reality that escape our direct knowledge because of the natural limits of the human faculties. Kant's method was modeled on [[Euclid]], though he eventually acknowledged that pure reason was insufficient to discover all truth. Kant's work was continued in the work of [[Johann Gottlieb Fichte]], [[Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling|Friedrich Schelling]], and [[Arthur Schopenhauer]].
Kant's philosophy, known as [[transcendental idealism]], would later be made more abstract and more general, in the movement known as [[German idealism]], a type of [[absolute idealism]]. German idealism rose to popularity with [[Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel|G. W. F. Hegel]]'s publication in 1807 of ''[[Phenomenology of Spirit]]''. In that work, Hegel asserts that the aim of philosophy is to spot the contradictions apparent in human experience (which arise, for instance, out of the recognition of the self as both an active, subjective witness and a passive object in the world) and to get rid of these contradictions by making them compatible. Hegel wrote that every thesis creates its own antithesis, and that out of the two arises a synthesis a process known as the "Hegelian [[dialectic]]". Philosophers in the Hegelian tradition include [[Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach]] and [[Karl Marx]].
==== American Pragmatism ====
[[دوتنه:Wm_james.jpg|100px|thumb|left|[[William James]]]]
The late nineteenth century brought about the rise of a new philosophy in the New World. [[Charles Peirce]] and [[William James]] are considered to be the co-founders of loosely allied schools of [[pragmatism]], which introduced what would later be called [[instrumentalism]], the idea that what is important for a good theory is how useful it is, not how well it represents reality. Thinkers in this tradition included [[John Dewey]], [[George Santayana]], and [[C. I. Lewis]]. Though not widely recognized under the term "pragmatist", philosophers like [[Henri Bergson]] and [[G. E. Moore]] shared many of the same foundational assumptions with the pragmatists. Pragmatism has recently been taken in new directions by [[Richard Rorty]] and [[Hilary Putnam]].
==== The prominence of logic ====
[[دوتنه:Bertrand_Russell.jpg|100px|thumb|[[Bertrand Russell]]]]
With the publication of [[Bertrand Russell]] and [[Alfred North Whitehead]]'s ''[[Principia Mathematica]]'' in 1910-1913, [[mathematical logic]] attracted the interest of many philosophers. With this increased interest in mathematical logic came the rise in popularity for the view known as [[logical positivism]] and related theories, all of which shared a commitment to the reliability of empirical tests. Philosophers such as [[Rudolf Carnap]] and [[Hans Reichenbach]] considered only confirmable or falsifiable claims to be genuine philosophy; anything that could not be deduced from testable claims was considered mere superstition or dogma.
==== Phenomenology and hermeneutics ====
At the same time that logic was coming to prominence in America and Britain, a separate movement occurred in continental Europe. Under the influence of [[Franz Brentano]], [[Edmund Husserl]] developed a new method to study human problems in his ''Logical Investigations'' (1901) and ''Ideas'' (1913). The method, known as [[phenomenology]], was used to examine the details of human experience and consciousness in order to observe the most basic facts of human existence; the examination included not just observations of the way the world appears but observations of one's own thoughts, and when and how they occur. This method was developed further in the work of [[Martin Heidegger]] and [[Maurice Merleau-Ponty]].
Heidegger expanded the study of phenomenology to elaborate a philosophical [[hermeneutics]]. Hermeneutics is a method of interpreting texts by drawing out the meaning of the text in the context it was written in. Heidegger stressed two new elements of philosophical hermeneutics: that the reader brings out the meaning of the text in the present, and that the tools of hermeneutics can be used to interpret more than just texts (e.g. "social text"). Elaborations of philosophical hermeneutics later came from [[Hans-Georg Gadamer]] and [[Paul Ricoeur]].
==== Existentialism ====
[[دوتنه:Kierkegaard.jpg|100px|thumb|Søren Kierkegaard]]
In the mid-twentieth century, existentialism, a popular philosophy that had its roots in the 19th century works of [[Søren Kierkegaard]] and [[Friedrich Nietzsche]], developed in Europe, particularly in France and Germany. Kierkegaard, a Danish philosopher generally considered the "Father of Existentialism", argued that "''truth is subjectivity''", meaning that what is most important to an existing being are questions dealing with an individual's inner relationship to existence. Objective truths (e.g. mathematical truths) are important, but detached or observational modes of thought can never truly comprehend human experience. Nietzsche argued that human existence is the "''will to power''", a desire for excellence or greatness. Great individuals invent their own values and create the very terms under which they excel. Kierkegaard's [[knight of faith]] and Nietzsche's [[Übermensch]] are examples of those who define the nature of their own existence.
Drawing on these ideas, existentialism rejects the notion of a human essence, instead trying to draw out the ability of each person to live authentically, which is to say that each person is able to define and determine his or her own life. The most prominent exponent of existentialism is [[Jean-Paul Sartre]], particularly his expression of existentialism in ''[[Being and Nothingness]]'' (1943). Other influential existentialists include [[Albert Camus]], [[Simone de Beauvoir]], [[Maurice Merleau-Ponty]] and [[Karl Jaspers]].
==== The Analytic tradition ====
{{main|Analytic philosophy}}
[[دوتنه:Wittgenstein2.jpg|left|thumbnail|100px|Ludwig Wittgenstein]]
The mid-twentieth century, for America and Britain, was not as united behind a major philosophical idea as it had been in the past, but a general philosophical method can be abstracted from the philosophy that was going on at the time. In 1921, [[Ludwig Wittgenstein]] published his ''[[Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus]]'', which gave a rigidly logical account of linguistic and philosophical issues. Years later he would reverse a number of his positions set out in the Tractatus, as revealed by the content of his second major work, ''[[Philosophical Investigations]]''. ''Investigations'' encouraged the development of "ordinary language philosophy", which was developed by [[Gilbert Ryle]] and a few others. The "ordinary language philosophy" thinkers shared a common outlook with many older philosophers ([[Jeremy Bentham]], [[Ralph Waldo Emerson]], and [[John Stuart Mill]]), and it was the philosophical inquiry that characterized English-language philosophy for the second half of the twentieth century.
The implied outlook for "ordinary language philosophy" is that problems in one area of philosophy can be solved independently of problems in other areas of philosophy. Philosophy is thus not a unified whole but a set of unrelated problems. Great thinkers whose work indicates an acceptance of this general outlook include [[Albert Einstein]], [[Sigmund Freud]], [[P. F. Strawson]], [[Donald Davidson (philosopher)|Donald Davidson]], [[Hilary Putnam]], [[John Rawls]], [[Noam Chomsky]], and the continental thinker [[Mikhail Bakhtin]].
Since then, a plurality of new movements have passed through English-language philosophy. Drawing on the metaphilosophical observation made by Wittgenstein in his second major work, ''[[Philosophical Investigations]]'' (1953), in which he notes that a good approach to philosophy must itself be based on a careful examination of the meaning of language, a new group of philosophers have adopted a methodological skepticism. This is seen most prominently in the work of [[W. V. O. Quine]] and [[Wilfrid Sellars]] (but with ideas going back to [[Auguste Comte]] and Whitehead). The group's concerns converge on the ideas of [[naturalism (philosophy)|naturalism]], [[Confirmation holism|holism]] (in opposition to most of what is considered analytic philosophy), [[instrumentalism]], and the denial of Platonic [[Universal (metaphysics)|universals]]. A number of other perspectives have branched out from Wittgenstein's legacy, however.
=== اخلاقي او سياسي فلسفه ===
==== Human nature and political legitimacy ====
[[دوتنه:Thomas_Hobbes_(portrait).jpg|کيڼ|thumbnail|100px|[[Thomas Hobbes]]]]
From ancient times, and well beyond them, the roots of justification for political authority were inescapably tied to outlooks on human nature. [[Plato]] declared that the ideal society would be run by an oligarchy of philosopher-kings, since those best at philosophy are best able to realize the good. Even Plato, however, required philosophers to make their way in the world for many years before beginning their rule at the age of fifty. For [[Aristotle]], humans are social animals, and governments are set up in order to pursue good for the community. Aristotle reasoned that, since the state (polis) was the highest form of community, it has the purpose of pursuing the highest good. Aristotle understood political power to be the result of natural inequalities in skill and virtue. Because of these differences, he favored an aristocracy of the able and virtuous. For Aristotle, the person cannot be complete unless he or she lives in a community. His two books, The Nicomachean Ethics and The Politics, are meant to be read in that order. The first book addresses virtues/excellences in the person as a citizen; the second addresses the proper form of government to ensure virtuous (and thus complete) citizens. Both books deal with the essential role of justice as a necessary virtue in civic life.
Two millennia later, [[Thomas Hobbes]] contested many elements of this view. For Hobbes, human nature is essentially anti-social: people are essentially egoistic, and this egoism makes life difficult in the natural state of things. Moreover, Hobbes argued, though people may have natural inequalities, these are trivial, since no particular talents or virtues that a person may have will make them safe from harm inflicted by others. For these reasons, Hobbes concluded that the state arises from common agreement to raise the community out of the state of nature. This can only be done by the establishment of a [[Sovereignty|sovereign]], which (or who) is vested with complete control over the community, and is able to inspire awe and terror in its subjects.
Many in the Enlightenment were unsatisfied with existing doctrines in political philosophy, which seemed to marginalize or neglect the possibility of a [[democratic]] [[state]]. One attempt to overturn these doctrines was that of [[Jean-Jacques Rousseau]], who responded to Hobbes by claiming that a human is by nature a kind of "[[noble savage]]", and that society and social contracts corrupt this nature. In his [[Two Treatises of Government|Second Treatise on Government]] [[John Locke]] agreed with Hobbes that the nation-state was an efficient tool for raising humanity out of a deplorable state, but argued that the sovereign may become an abominable institution compared to the relatively benign unmodulated state of nature.
Following the doctrine of the [[fact-value distinction]], due in part to the influence of [[David Hume]], appeals to human nature for political justification were weakened. Nevertheless, many political philosophers, especially [[Moral realism|moral realists]], still make use of some essential human nature as a basis for their arguments.
==== Consequentialism, deontology, and the aretaic turn ====
[[دوتنه:Jeremy_Bentham_by_Henry_William_Pickersgill_detail.jpg|left|thumbnail|100px|Jeremy Bentham]]
{{main articles|[[Consequentialism]], [[Deontological ethics|Deontology]], and [[Virtue ethics]]}}
One debate that has dominated the attention of ethicists in the history of the modern era has been between [[consequentialism]] and [[deontology]].
[[Jeremy Bentham]] and [[John Stuart Mill]] are famous for propagating [[utilitarianism]], which is the idea that the fundamental moral rule is to strive toward the "greatest happiness for the greatest number". However, in promoting this idea they also necessarily promoted the broader doctrine of consequentialism: that is to say, the idea that the morally right thing to do in any situation is determined by the ''consequences'' of the actions under consideration.
In contrast to consequentialism, [[Immanuel Kant]] argued that moral principles were simply products of reason. Kant believed that the incorporation of consequences into moral deliberation was a deep mistake, since it would deny the necessity of practical maxims to the working of the will. According to Kant, reason requires that we conform our actions to the [[categorical imperative]], which is an absolute duty. An important 20th-century deontologist, [[W.D. Ross]], argued for weaker forms of duties called [[prima facie duty|prima facie duties]].
More recent works have emphasized the role of character in ethics, a movement known as the [[aretaic turn]]. One strain of this movement followed the work of [[Bernard Williams]]. Williams noted that rigid forms of both consequentialism and deontology demanded that people behave impartially. This, Williams argued, requires that people abandon their personal projects, and hence their personal [[integrity]], in order to be considered moral.
[[G.E.M. Anscombe]], in an influential paper, "Modern Moral Philosophy" ([[1958]]), revived [[virtue ethics]], inspired by [[Aristotle's ethics]], as an alternative to what was seen as the entrenched positions of Kantianism and consequentialism. Virtue ethics has since gained some adherence and has been defended by such philosophers as [[Philippa Foot]], [[Alasdair MacIntyre]] and [[Rosalind Hursthouse]].
== Applied philosophy ==
Though often seen as a wholly abstract field, philosophy is not without practical applications. The most obvious applications are those in [[ethics]] – [[applied ethics]] in particular – and in [[political philosophy]]. The political philosophies of [[Confucius]], [[Kautilya]], [[Sun Tzu|Sun Zi]], [[Immanuel Kant]], [[John Locke]], [[Thomas Hobbes]], [[Niccolò Machiavelli]], [[Jean-Jacques Rousseau]], [[Karl Marx]], [[John Stuart Mill]], [[Mahatma Gandhi]], [[Robert Nozick]], [[Ayn Rand]] and [[John Rawls]] have shaped and been used to justify the existence of governments and their actions.
In the field of the [[philosophy of education]], progressive education as championed by [[John Dewey]] has had a profound impact on educational practices in the [[United States]] in the twentieth century. [[Carl von Clausewitz]]'s political [[philosophy of war]] has had a profound effect on [[statecraft]], [[international politics]] and [[military strategy]] in the 20th century, especially in the years around [[World War II]].
Other important applications can be found in [[epistemology]], which aid in understanding the notions of what knowledge, evidence, and justified belief are. The [[philosophy of science]] discusses the underpinnings of the [[scientific method]]. [[Aesthetics]] can help to interpret discussions of [[art]]. [[Ontology]], even within the [[artificial intelligence]] definition, has had important consequences for logic and [[computer science]].
In general, the various "philosophies of..." such as the [[philosophy of law]], can provide workers in their respective fields with a deeper understanding of the theoretical or conceptual underpinnings of their fields.
Often philosophy is seen as an investigation into an area not understood well enough to be its own branch of knowledge. What were once philosophical pursuits have evolved into the modern day fields of [[psychology]], [[sociology]], [[linguistics]], and [[economics]] (among others).
The idea of philosophy as general concepts or principles of knowledge breaks down in fields of endeavor which require a certain type or level of personal performance. For instance, no principles of knowledge can tell a person how to write dramatic works comparable in quality to Shakespeare's or symphonies comparable to Beethoven's or to hit baseballs like Babe Ruth or sing songs like Elvis Presley. Yet, there is a certain state of mind conducive to peak performance in such fields. Sports psychology does bring knowledge to bear upon such endeavors. William McGaughey's book, "Rhythm and Self-Consciousness", approaches rhythm as a philosophical concept, discussing both its conscious pursuit and its limitations.
== Confines of Philosophy ==
What should, and what should not, be counted as philosophy, has been heavily debated. See also [[pseudophilosophy]].
[[Relativist]]s may claim that any statement can be counted as a philosophical statement, as there is no objective way to disqualify it of being so. Also, the very open-minded nature of philosophy makes many people sceptical when it comes to limiting the concept of philosophy to something tangible and not something open-ended. However, several philosophers or philosophical directions have had ideas about what philosophy is and what it shouldn't be.
[[Plato]], or the protagonist in his dialogues, [[Socrates]], who arguably coined the term, held up a number of virtues for anyone who wanted to call themselves a philosopher. Amongst other things, he rejected that [[rhetorics]] had a place in philosophy, most famously in [[Gorgias (dialogue)|Gorgias]].
The [[logical positivists]] denied the soundness of [[metaphysics]] and traditional philosophy, and affirmed that statements about [[metaphysics]], [[religion]] and [[ethics]] are devoid of [[cognitive meaning]] and thus nothing but expression of feelings or desires.
What constitutes sound philosophical work is sometimes summed up by the term [[Philosophical method]]. Also, it is often agreed upon that arguments should try to avoid vague, non-defined or ill-defined concepts; avoid mixing together different [[concept]]s that share the same [[term]]; avoid heavy use of concepts with strong [[connotation]]s; and being [[logic]]ally sound. It has also been argued that the [[scientific method]] should be followed as closely as the subject-matter allows. When a branch of philosophy at some point fully can start following the norms of the [[scientific method]], it is no longer termed philosophy, but [[science]].
== Philosophers on Philosophy ==
What is philosophy? Some would respond by listing its major subfields such as logic, ethics, and epistemology; on the other hand, it has also been said that "philosophy is the study of its own history" (viz., its own [[literature]]). However, some noted philosophers have attempted to address these issues central to philosophy's subject matter and how it is treated:
<blockquote>... [philosophy] is the acquisition of knowledge.</blockquote>
::::::::::::—[[Plato]], ''Euthydemus'', 288d.
{{Quotation|... [that] philosophy only is the true one which reproduces most faithfully the statements of [[nature]], and is written down, as it were, from nature's dictation, so that it is nothing but a copy and a reflection of nature, and adds nothing of its own, but is merely a repetition and echo.|[[Francis Bacon]]|The Enlargement of Science'', 1. 2, ch. 3'}}
{{Quotation|To repeat abstractly, universally, and distinctly in [[concept]]s the whole inner nature of the [[world]], and thus to deposit it as a reflected image in permanent concepts always ready for the faculty of [[reason]], this and nothing else is philosophy.|[[Arthur Schopenhauer]]|[[The World as Will and Representation]]'', Vol. I, §68'}}
{{Quotation|Philosophy is the science by which the natural light of reason studies the first causes or highest principles of all things - is, in other words, the science of things in their first causes, in so far as these belong to the natural order.|[[Jacques Maritain]]|An Introduction to Philosophy'', 69'}}
{{Quotation|The object of philosophy is the logical clarification of thoughts. Philosophy is not a theory but an activity. A philosophical work consists essentially of elucidations. The result of philosophy is not a number of ‘philosophical propositions’, but to make propositions clear. Philosophy should make clear and delimit sharply the thoughts which otherwise are, as it were, opaque and blurred.|[[Ludwig Wittgenstein]]|[[Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus]]'', 4.112'}}
{{Quotation|... [philosophers] are not honest enough in their work, although they make a lot of virtuous noise when the problem of truthfulness is touched even remotely. They all pose as if they had discovered and reached their real opinions through the self-development of a cold, pure, divinely unconcerned dialectic... ; while at bottom it is an assumption, a hunch, indeed a kind of “inspiration”—most often a desire of the heart that has been filtered and made abstract—that they defend with reasons they have sought after the fact.|[[Friedrich Nietzsche]]|[[Beyond Good and Evil]]'', Part One: On the Prejudices of Philosophers, §5'}}
{{Quotation|In order to live, man must act; in order to act, he must make choices; in order to make choices, he must define a code of values; in order to define a code of values, he must know what he is and where he is – i.e. he must know his own nature (including his means of knowledge) and the nature of the universe in which he acts – i.e. he needs metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, which means: philosophy. He cannot escape from this need; his only alternative is whether the philosophy guiding him is to be chosen by his mind or by chance.|[[Ayn Rand]]|[[Philosophy: Who Needs it]]'', Chapter One: Philosophy: Who Needs it}}
== سرچينې ==
** فرهنگ فلسفی.
** دیل، هالینگ، د لوېديځې فلسفې تاريخ، صفحه ۱۳ تا ۱۶.
<div class="references-small">
* Crystal, David, ''The Penguin Encyclopedia'', Penguin Books, 2004, ISBN 0-14-051543-7
* Curley, Edwin, ''A Spinoza Reader'', Princeton, 1994, ISBN 0-691-00067-0
* Descartes, René, ''Discourse on Method and Meditations on First Philosophy'' Fourth Edition, Hacket Publishing Company, 1998, ISBN 0-87220-421-9
* Dolan, John P., ''The Essential Erasmus'', Meridian, 1964, ISBN 0-452-00972-3
* Ducasse, Curt, [http://www.ditext.com/ducasse/ducasse.html ''Philosophy as a Science''], 1941.
* Durant, Will, ''The Story of Philosophy'', Pocket, 1991, ISBN 0-671-73916-6
* Durant, Will and Durant, Ariel, ''Rousseau and Revolution: A History of Civilization in France, England, and Germany from 1756, and in the Remainder of Europe from 1715, to 1789 (Story of Civilization, 10), MJF Books, 1997, ISBN 1-56731-021-4
* Heidegger, Martin, ''Basic Writings : Second Edition, Revised and Expanded, HarperSanFrancisco. 1993, ISBN 0-06-063763-3
* Hobbes, Thomas, ''Leviathan'', Penguin Classics, 1985
* Husserl, Edmund and Welton, Donn, ''The Essential Husserl: Basic Writings in Transcendental Phenomenology'', Indiana University Press, 1999, ISBN 0-253-21273-1
* Kant, Immanuel, ''Critique of Pure Reason'', Prometheus Books, 1990, ISBN 0-87975-596-2
* Kierkegaard, Søren, ''Fear and Trembling'', Penguin Classics, 1986, ISBN 0-14-044449-1
* Kierkegaard, Søren, ''Concluding Unscientific Postscript'', Princeton University Press, 1992, ISBN 0-691-02081-7
* Kung Fu Tze (Confucius), D. C. Lau (Translator), ''The Analects'', Penguin Classics, 1998, ISBN 0-14-044348-7
* Lao Tze (Laozi), Stephen Hodge (Translator), ''Tao Te Ching'', Barron''s Educational Series, 2002, ISBN 0-7641-2168-5
* Leibniz, G. W., ''Philosophical Essays'', Hackett Publishing Company, 1989, ISBN 0-87220-063-9
* Mauter, Thomas (editor), ''The Penguin Dictionary of Philosophy'', Penguin Books, 1998, ISBN 0-14-051250-0
* McGaughey, William, "Rhythm and Self-Consciousness: New Ideals for an Electronic Civilization", Thistlerose Publications, 2001. ISBN 0-9605630-4-0.
* Nietzsche, Friedrich, ''Thus Spoke Zarathustra'', Penguin Books, 1961, ISBN 0-14-044118-2
* Popper, Karl R., ''The Logic of Scientific Discovery'', Routledge, 2002, ISBN 0-415-27844-9
* Sigmund, Paul E., ''The Selected Political Writings of John Locke'', Norton, 2005, ISBN 0-393-96451-5
== د نور لوستلو لپاره ==
=== پېژندنې ===
<div class="references-small">
* Blumenau, Ralph. ''Philosophy and Living''. ISBN 0-907845-33-9
* Craig, Edward. ''Philosophy: A Very Short Introduction''. ISBN 0-19-285421-6
* Gaarder, Jostein. ''Sophie's World''. ISBN 0-425-15225-1
* Higgins, Kathleen M. and Solomon, Robert C. ''A Short History of Philosophy''. ISBN 0-19-510196-0
* Russell, Bertrand. ''[http://philosophy.hku.hk/think/phil/russell/ The Problems of Philosophy]''. ISBN 0-19-511552-X
* Sober, E. (2001). ''Core Questions in Philosophy: A Text with Readings''. Upper Saddle River, Prentice Hall. ISBN 0-13-189869-8
* Solomon, Robert C. ''Big Questions: A Short Introduction to Philosophy''. ISBN 0-534-16708-X
* Warburton, Nigel. ''Philosophy: The Basics''. ISBN 0-415-14694-1
* [http://www.philosophicalsociety.com/What%20Philosophy%20Is.htm What Philosophy Is].
* [http://www.philosophynow.org Philosophy Now].
* [http://www.galilean-library.org/philosophy.html The Philosophy Manuscripts].
* [http://universityofnowhere.wordpress.com/2006/03/17/general-philosophy-i-syllabus/ Syllabus for General Philosophy I], an introductory philosophy course currently offered by the Academe of Philosophical Studies at the University of No Where. Check back often for lectures, essays, articles, and other updates.
=== موضعي پېژندنې ===
<div class="references-small">
* Copleston, Frederick. ''Philosophy in Russia: From Herzen to Lenin and Berdyaev''. ISBN 0-268-01569-4
* Critchley, Simon. ''Continental Philosophy: A Very Short Introduction''. ISBN 0-19-285359-7
* Hamilton, Sue. ''Indian Philosophy: a Very Short Introduction''. ISBN 0-19-285374-0
* Harwood, Sterling, ed., Business as Ethical and Business as Usual (Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Co., 2000); www.sterlingharwood.com
* Imbo, Samuel Oluoch. ''An Introduction to African Philosophy''. ISBN 0-8476-8841-0
* Kupperman, Joel J. ''Classic Asian Philosophy: A Guide to the Essential Texts''. ISBN 0-19-513335-8
* Leaman, Oliver. ''A Brief Introduction to Islamic Philosophy''. ISBN 0-7456-1960-6
* Lee, Joe and Powell, Jim. ''Eastern Philosophy For Beginners''. ISBN 0-86316-282-7
* Nagel, Thomas. ''What Does It All Mean? A Very Short Introduction to Philosophy''. ISBN 0-19-505292-7
* Scruton, Roger. ''A Short History of Modern Philosophy''. ISBN 0-415-26763-3
* Smart, Ninian. ''World Philosophies''. ISBN 0-415-22852-2
* Tarnas, Richard. ''The Passion of the Western Mind: Understanding the Ideas That Have Shaped Our World View''. ISBN 0-345-36809-6
* [http://www.philosophicalsociety.com/Reference%20Library.htm The Branches of Philosophy]
* [http://www.philosophicalsociety.com/glossary.htm A Glossary of Terms]
=== ادبي غورچاڼونه ===
<div class="references-small">
* ''Philosophic Classics: From Plato to Derrida (4th Edition)'' by Forrest E. Baird
* ''Classics of Philosophy (Vols. 1 & 2, 2nd edition)'' by Louis P. Pojman
* ''Classics of Philosophy: The 20th Century (Vol. 3)'' by Louis P. Pojman
* ''The English Philosophers from Bacon to Mill'' by Edwin Arthur Burtt
* ''European Philosophers from Descartes to Nietzsche'' by Monroe Beardsley
* ''Contemporary Analytic Philosophy: Core Readings'' by James Baillie
* ''Existentialism: Basic Writings (Second Edition)'' by Charles Guignon, Derk Pereboom
* ''The Phenomenology Reader'' by Dermot Moran, Timothy Mooney
* ''Medieval Islamic Philosophical Writings'' edited by Muhammad Ali Khalidi
* ''A Source Book in Indian Philosophy'' by Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, Charles A. Moore
* ''A Source Book in Chinese Philosophy'' by [[Wing-tsit Chan]]
* Kim, J. and Ernest Sosa, Ed. (1999). ''Metaphysics: An Anthology''. Blackwell Philosophy Anthologies. Oxford, Blackwell Publishers Ltd.
* ''The Oxford Handbook of Free Will'' (2004) edited by Robert Kane
=== کارندويه سرچينې ===
<div class="references-small">
* ''The Oxford Companion to Philosophy'' edited by Ted Honderich
* ''The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy'' by Robert Audi
* ''The Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy'' (10 vols.) edited by Edward Craig, [[Luciano Floridi]] (also available online by subscription); or
* ''The Concise Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy'' edited by Edward Craig (an abridgement)
* ''Encyclopedia of Philosophy'' (8 vols.) edited by Paul Edwards; in 1996, a ninth supplemental volume appeared which updated the classic 1967 encyclopedia.
* ''Routledge History of Philosophy'' (10 vols.) edited by John Marenbon
* ''History of Philosophy'' (9 vols.) by Frederick Copleston
* ''A History of Western Philosophy'' (5 vols.) by W. T. Jones
* ''Encyclopaedia of Indian Philosophies'' (8 vols.), edited by Karl H. Potter et al ('''first 6 volumes out of print''')
* ''Indian Philosophy'' (2 vols.) by Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan
* ''A History of Indian Philosophy'' (5 vols.) by Surendranath Dasgupta
* ''History of Chinese Philosophy'' (2 vols.) by Fung Yu-lan, Derk Bodde
* ''Encyclopedia of Chinese Philosophy'' edited by Antonio S. Cua
* ''Encyclopedia of Eastern Philosophy and Religion'' by Ingrid Fischer-Schreiber, Franz-Karl Ehrhard, Kurt Friedrichs
* ''Companion Encyclopedia of Asian Philosophy'' by Brian Carr, Indira Mahalingam
* ''A Concise Dictionary of Indian Philosophy: Sanskrit Terms Defined in English'' by John A. Grimes
* ''History of Islamic Philosophy'' edited by Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Oliver Leaman
* ''History of Jewish Philosophy'' edited by Daniel H. Frank, Oliver Leaman
* ''A History of Russian Philosophy: From the Tenth to the Twentieth Centuries'' by Valerii Aleksandrovich Kuvakin
* Ayer, A. J. et al. Ed. (1994) ''A Dictionary of Philosophical Quotations''. Blackwell Reference Oxford. Oxford, Basil Blackwell Ltd.
* Blackburn, S., Ed. (1996)''The Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy''. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
* Mauter, T., Ed. ''The Penguin Dictionary of Philosophy''. London, Penguin Books.
* Runes, D., ED. (1942). [http://www.ditext.com/runes/ ''The Dictionary of Philosophy'']. New York, The Philosophical Library, Inc.
* Angeles, P. A., Ed. (1992). ''The Harper Collins Dictionary of Philosophy''. New York, Harper Perennial.
* Bunnin, N. et. al.,Ed.(1996) ''The Blackwell Companion to Philosophy''. Blackwell Companions to Philosophy. Oxford, Blackwell Publishers Ltd.
* Popkin, R. H. (1999). ''The Columbia History of Western Philosophy''. New York, Columbia University Press.
* [http://www.philosophicalsociety.com/History%20Of%20Philosophy.htm An historical time line.]
=== د کتابونو لړليکونه ===
<div class="references-small">
* [http://www.apa.udel.edu/apa/asp/bibliographies.asp American Philosophical Association]
* [http://www.ucs.louisiana.edu/~kak7409/EpistemologicalResearch.htm Epistemology Research Guide]
* [http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/analysis/bib1.html Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - Annotated Bibliography on Analysis]
* [http://consc.net/biblio.html Contemporary Philosophy of Mind: An Annotated Bibliography]
* [http://www.ucl.ac.uk/philosophy/LPSG/ London Philosophy Study Guide]
== فلسفي ښونځي ==
* '''[[د اسلامي فلسفې ښونځي]]'''
* '''[[د لویدیځې فلسفې ښونځي]]'''
* '''[[د ختیځې فلسفې ښونځي]]'''
== دا هم وګوئ ==
** [[مسلمان فیلسوفان]]
** [[لوديځ فیلسوفان]]
** [[افغان فیلسوفان]]
== د فيلسوفيانو لړليکونه ==
* [[د مسلمانو فيلسوفانو لړليک]]
* [[معاصر لوېديځ او ختيځ فيلسوفانو لړليک]]
* [[لوېديځ فيلسوفانو لړليک]]
== باندنې تړنې ==
* [http://www.philosophychatforum.com Philosophy Chat Forum:] Discussion forum for professional and amateur philosopher
* http://www.philosophypathways.com/newsletter/index.html
* [http://events.wikia.com/wiki/Philosophy EventWiki for Philosophy] - A world wide list of current events, meetings, and discussion groups for Philosophy.
* [http://www.formalphilosophy.com Interviews with some of the most influential scholars in philosophy]
* [http://www.friesian.com/friesian.htm Friesian Philosophy]
* [http://www.sfu.ca/philosopherscafe/ The Philosophers Cafe]
* [http://www.bigserving.com/philosophy.htm Philosophy References and Directory]
* [http://www.philosophyparadise.com/forum/ PhilosophyParadise forum]
* [http://www.tpearce.com/tp Think Philosophy, a discussion forum]
* [http://observaciones.sitesled.com/bachillerato.html Theory of Knowledge IB]
* [http://observaciones.sitesled.com/sitios.htm Specialized sites of Philosophy]
* [http://observaciones.sitesled.com/filcontemporanea.htm Contemporary Philosophy|In spanish]
* [http://www.thegodlight.co.uk/index.html Information on Spiritual Philosophy. (The God Light) ]
* [http://www.iep.utm.edu/ The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy]
* [http://www.wadsworth.com/philosophy_d/special_features/timeline/timeline.html Philosophy Timeline]
* [http://www.sterlingharwood.com]www.sterlingharwood.com
* [http://www.sens-public.org/rubrique.php3?id_rubrique=59 Articles of Philosophy] in ''Sens Public'' (several languages)
* [http://www.philosophyforums.com/ Philosophy Forums]
{{د فلسفې سرليکونه}}
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