
د نور تفصيل لپاره د غځول په تنۍ کلېک وکړئيادښت: د غوره توبونو د خوندي کولو وروسته، خپل د کتنمل (بروزر) ساتل شوې حافظه تازه کړی.د نور تفصيل لپاره د غځول په تنۍ کلېک وکړئ.

  • فايرفاکس/ سفري: په دې کتنمل کې د Reload د ټکوهلو په وخت د Shift تڼۍ نيولې وساتی، او يا هم Ctrl-F5 يا Ctrl-Rتڼۍ کېښکاږۍ (په Apple Mac کمپيوټر باندې ⌘-R کېښکاږۍ)
  • گووگل کروم: په دې کتنمل کې د Ctrl-Shift-R تڼۍ کېښکاږۍ (د مک لپاره ⌘-Shift-R)
  • انټرنټ اېکسپلورر: په دې کتنمل کې د Refresh د ټکوهلو په وخت کې د Ctrl تڼۍ کېښکاږلې ونيسۍ، او يا هم د Ctrl-F5 تڼۍ کېښکاږۍ
  • اوپرا: په دې کتنمل کې د خپل براوزر ساتل شوې حافظه پدې توگه سپينولی شی Tools→Preferences
/* (C) Andrea Giammarchi - JSL 1.8+ - 2007/11/03   Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:   The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.   THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */   (function(prototype){ 	var	key, value, tmp; 	if(!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty = function(key){ 		var	result = false, 			value; 		key = String(key); 		if(/constructor|toString|valueOf/.test(key)) 			result = Object.prototype[key] !== this[key]; 		else{ 			for(value in this){ 				if(value === key){ 					result = this === Object.prototype ? false : Object.prototype[key] !== this[key]; 					break; 				} 			} 		}; 		return	result; 	}; 	for(key in prototype){ 		if(prototype.hasOwnProperty(key)){ 			switch(typeof prototype[key]){ 				case	"function": 					if(!this[key]) 						this[key] = prototype[key]; 				break; 				case	"object": 					for(value in prototype[key]){ 						if(prototype[key].hasOwnProperty(value)){ 							if(!this[key].prototype[value] || (prototype[key][value].test && prototype[key][value].test())) 								this[key].prototype[value] = prototype[key][value].callback; 						} 					}; 				break; 			} 		}; 	}; 	try{ 		prototype = key = value = undefined; 	} 	catch(e){ 		this.undefined = prototype = key = value = tmp; 	}; 	/*@cc_on 	(function(callback){ 		this.setTimeout = callback(this.setTimeout); 		this.setInterval = callback(this.setInterval); 	})(function(value){ 		return	function(callback, i){ 			var	tmp = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2); 			if(typeof callback != "function") 				callback = new Function(callback); 			return	value(function(){callback.apply(this, tmp);}, i); 		}; 	}); 	XMLHttpRequest = (function(XMLHttpRequest){ 		function init(XMLHttpRequest){ 			if(!XMLHttpRequest){ 				var	tmp = ["MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0", "MSXML2.XMLHTTP", "Microsoft.XMLHTTP"]; 				while(!XMLHttpRequest && tmp.length){ 					try{XMLHttpRequest = new ActiveXObject(tmp.shift())} 					catch(e){} 				}; 			} 			else 				XMLHttpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest; 			return	XMLHttpRequest; 		}; 		return	function(){ 			var	Object = this; 			(this["class"] = init(XMLHttpRequest)).onreadystatechange = function(){ 				var	XMLHttpRequest = Object["class"]; 				if(Object["synchronized"]()){ 					Object.responseText = XMLHttpRequest.responseText; 					Object.responseXML = XMLHttpRequest.responseXML; 					Object.status = XMLHttpRequest.status; 					Object.statusText = XMLHttpRequest.statusText; 				}; 				if(Object.onreadystatechange) 					Object.onreadystatechange.call(Object.onreadystatechange); 			}; 		}; 	})(this.XMLHttpRequest); 	XMLHttpRequest.prototype = { 		abort:function(){ 			this["class"].abort(); 		}, 		getAllResponseHeaders:function(){ 			return	this["synchronized"]() ? this["class"].getAllResponseHeaders() : []; 		}, 		getResponseHeader:function(key){ 			return	this["synchronized"]() ? this["class"].getResponseHeader(key) : null; 		}, 		open:function(){ 			this["class"].open(arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4]); 		}, 		send:function(value){ 			this["class"].send(value || null); 		}, 		setRequestHeader:function(key, value){ 			return	this["class"].setRequestHeader(key, value); 		}, 		"synchronized":function(){ 			return	(this.readyState = this["class"].readyState) == 4; 		}, 		readyState:0, 		status:0, 		responseText:"", 		statusText:"", 		responseXML:null 	}; 	@*/ })({ 	Array:{ 		every:{callback:function(callback){ 			for(var 				i = 0, 				result = true, 				scope = arguments[1] || null, 				value = this instanceof Array; 				i < this.length && result; 				i++ 			){ 				if(value ? this.hasOwnProperty(i) : this[i] !== undefined) 					result = callback.call(scope, this[i], i, this); 			}; 			return	result; 		}}, 		filter:{callback:function(callback){ 			for(var 				i = 0, 				result = [], 				scope = arguments[1] || null, 				value = this instanceof Array; 				i < this.length; 				i++ 			){ 				if((value ? this.hasOwnProperty(i) : this[i] !== undefined) && callback.call(scope, this[i], i, this)) 					result[result.length] = this[i]; 			}; 			return	result; 		}}, 		forEach:{callback:function(callback){ 			for(var 				i = 0, 				scope = arguments[1] || null, 				value = this instanceof Array; 				i < this.length; 				i++ 			){ 				if(value ? this.hasOwnProperty(i) : this[i] !== undefined) 					callback.call(scope, this[i], i, this); 			}; 		}}, 		indexOf:{callback:function(value, i){ 			for(var 				j = this.length, 				i = i < 0 ? i + j < 0 ? 0 : i + j : i || 0; 				i < j && this[i] !== value; 				i++ 			); 			return	j <= i ? -1 : i; 		}}, 		lastIndexOf:{callback:function(value, i){ 			return	Array.prototype.slice.call(this).reverse().indexOf(value, i); 		}}, 		map:{callback:function(callback){ 			for(var 				i = 0, 				result = new Array(this.length), 				scope = arguments[1] || null, 				value = this instanceof Array; 				i < this.length; 				i++ 			){ 				if(value ? this.hasOwnProperty(i) : this[i] !== undefined) 					result[i] = callback.call(scope, this[i], i, this); 			}; 			return	result; 		}}, 		pop:{callback:function(callback){ 			var	length = this.length, 				result; 			if(length) 				result = this[--length]; 			this.length = length; 			return	result; 		}}, 		push:{callback:function(){ 			for(var 				i = 0; 				i < arguments.length; 				i++ 			) 				this[this.length] = arguments[i]; 			return	this.length; 		}}, 		shift:{callback:function(){ 			var	result = Array.prototype.reverse.call(this).pop(); 			Array.prototype.reverse.call(this); 			return	result; 		}}, 		some:{callback:function(callback){ 			for(var 				i = 0, 				result = false, 				scope = arguments[1] || null, 				value = this instanceof Array; 				i < this.length && !result; 				i++ 			){ 				if(value ? this.hasOwnProperty(i) : this[i] !== undefined) 					result = callback.call(scope, this[i], i, this); 			}; 			return	result; 		}}, 		splice:{callback:function(){ 			var	result = [], 				tmp = [], 				i = 0, j = this.length, k = 0, length = arguments.length; 			switch(length) { 				case	0:break; 				case	1:arguments[1] = !length++ || this.length - arguments[0]; 				default: 					k = arguments[0] + arguments[1]; 					for(; i < j; i++){ 						if(i < arguments[0] || i >= k){ 							if(i === k && length > 2){ 								for(i = 2; i < length; i++) 									tmp[tmp.length] = arguments[i]; 								i = k; 							}; 							tmp[tmp.length] = this[i]; 						} 						else 							result[result.length] = this[i]; 					}; 					for(i = 0, j = tmp.length; i < j; i++) 						this[i] = tmp[i]; 					this.length = i; 					break; 			}; 			return	result; 		}}, 		unshift:{ 		test:function(){ 			var	Array = [4,5]; 			return	!(Array.unshift(1,2,3) === 5 && Array.join("-") === "1-2-3-4-5"); 		}, 		callback:function(){ 			var	length = arguments.length; 			Array.prototype.reverse.call(this); 			while(length--) 				this[this.length] = arguments[length]; 			return	Array.prototype.reverse.call(this).length 		}} 	}, 	Date:{ 		getYear:{ 		test:function(){ 			return	String((new Date).getYear()).length === 4; 		}, 		callback:function(){ 			return	this.getFullYear() - 1900; 		}}, 		setYear:{ 		test:function(){ 			return	String((new Date).getYear()).length === 4; 		}, 		callback:function(setYear){ 			return	this.setFullYear(setYear + 1900); 		}} 	}, 	Function:{ 		apply:{callback:function(scope, arguments){ 			var	i = arguments ? arguments.length : 0, 				result = new Array(i), 				call; 			switch(typeof scope){ 				case	"boolean":	scope = new Boolean(scope);break; 				case	"number":	scope = new Number(scope);break; 				case	"string":	scope = new String(scope);break; 				default:		scope = scope || (function(){return this})();break; 			}; 			do call = "*" + Math.random(); 			while(scope[call] !== undefined); 			while(i--) 				result[i] = "arguments[" + i + "]"; 			scope[call] = this; 			result = eval("scope[call](" + result.join(",") + ")"); 			try{delete scope[call]} 			catch(e){scope[call] = undefined}; 			return	result; 		}}, 		call:{callback:function(scope){ 			for(var	i = 1, result = []; i < arguments.length; i++) 				result[result.length] = arguments[i]; 			return	this.apply(scope, result); 		}} 	}, 	Number:{ 		toFixed:{callback:function(max){ 			var	result = Math.pow(10, parseInt(max)), 				tmp = new Array(2); 			result = String(Math.round(this * result) / result); 			if(max > 0){ 				tmp = result.split("."); 				tmp[1] = (tmp[1] || "") + new Array(++max - (tmp[1] ? tmp[1].length : 0)).join("0"); 				result = tmp.join("."); 			}; 			return	result; 		}} 	}, 	String:{ 		lastIndexOf:{callback:function(tmp, i){ 			var	value = String(this), 				result = value.split("").reverse().join("").indexOf(String(tmp).split("").reverse().join(""), i || 0); 			return	result < 0 ? result : value.length - result; 		}}, 		replace:{ 		test:function(){ 			return	"aa".replace(/a/g,function(a,b){return b + " "}) != "0 1 "; 		}, 		callback:(function(replace){return function(key, callback){ 			var	value = String(this), 				result = value; 			if(typeof callback != "function") 				result = replace.apply(value, arguments); 			else { 				var	k = !/\/.*g.*$/.test(key), 					i = 0, 					tmp = []; 				while(arguments = key.exec(result)){ 					tmp[tmp.length] = result.substr(0, arguments.index); 					tmp[tmp.length] = callback.apply(null, arguments.concat([value.indexOf(arguments[0], i), value])); 					result = value.substring(i += (arguments.index + arguments[0].length)); 					if(k) 						break; 				}; 				result = tmp.join("") + result; 			}; 			return	result 		}})(String.prototype.replace) 		} 	}, 	decodeURIComponent:function(value){ 		return	String(value).replace( 			/(%F[0-9A-F]%E[0-9A-F]%[A-B][0-9A-F]%[8-9A-B][0-9A-F])|(%E[0-9A-F]%[A-B][0-9A-F]%[8-9A-B][0-9A-F])|(%[C-D][0-9A-F]%[8-9A-B][0-9A-F])|(%[0-9A-F]{2})/g, 			function(value, key, k, j, i){return String.fromCharCode( 				i ? parseInt(i.substr(1, 2), 16) : 				j ? ((parseInt(j.substr(1, 2), 16) - 0xC0) << 6) + (parseInt(j.substr(4, 2), 16) - 0x80) : 				k ? ((parseInt(k.substr(1, 2), 16) - 0xE0) << 12) + ((parseInt(k.substr(4, 2), 16) - 0x80) << 6) + (parseInt(k.substr(7, 2), 16) - 0x80) : 				((parseInt(key.substr(1, 2), 16) - 0xF0) << 18) + ((parseInt(key.substr(4, 2), 16) - 0x80) << 12) + ((parseInt(key.substr(7, 2), 16) - 0x80) << 6) + (parseInt(key.substr(10, 2), 16) - 0x80) 			)} 		); 	}, 	encodeURIComponent:function(value){ 		function charCodeAt(i, length){ 			var	result = i.toString(16).toUpperCase(); 			length = (length || 2) - result.length; 			return	length == 0 ? result : new Array(++length).join("0").concat(result); 		}; 		return	String(value) 			.replace(/[\x00-\x20]|[\x25|\x3C|\x3E|\x5B|\x5D|\x5E|\x60|\x7F]|[\x7B-\x7D]|[\x80-\uFFFF]/g, function(value){ 				var	i = value.charCodeAt(0), 					tmp = []; 				if(i < 128) 					tmp[tmp.length] = charCodeAt(i); 				else if(i < 2048){ 					tmp[tmp.length] = charCodeAt(0xC0 + (i >> 6)); 					tmp[tmp.length] = charCodeAt(0x80 + (i & 0x3F)); 				} 				else if(i < 65536){ 					tmp[tmp.length] = charCodeAt(0xE0 + (i >> 12)); 					tmp[tmp.length] = charCodeAt(0x80 + (i >> 6 & 0x3F)); 					tmp[tmp.length] = charCodeAt(0x80 + (i & 0x3F)); 				} 				else{ 					tmp[tmp.length] = charCodeAt(0xF0 + (i >> 18)); 					tmp[tmp.length] = charCodeAt(0x80 + (i >> 12 & 0x3F)); 					tmp[tmp.length] = charCodeAt(0x80 + (i >> 6 & 0x3F)); 					tmp[tmp.length] = charCodeAt(0x80 + (i & 0x3F)); 				}; 				return	"%" + tmp.join("%"); 			}) 			.replace(/[\x23|\x24|\x26|\x2B|\x2C|\x2F|\x3A|\x3B|\x3D|\x3F|\x40]/g, function(value){ 				return	"%" + charCodeAt(value.charCodeAt(0)); 			}) 			.replace(/"/g, "%22") 			.replace(/\\/g, "%5C"); 	}, 	execScript:function(value){ 		var	tmp = document.createElement("script"); 		tmp.type = "text/javascript"; 		tmp.appendChild(document.createTextNode(value)); 		with(document.documentElement) 			removeChild(appendChild(tmp)); 	} });